July – 2022 Holidays and Observations
Happy July! This month marks the start of the Fiscal Year for many who are setting their goals for the 22-23 Fiscal Year. Summer is in full swing and people are gathering for Fourth of July celebrations.
Below you’ll find some month, week, and daylong celebrations/observations (mostly US based). They are holidays/observations related to the content of this site that we’ve selected to highlight. Maybe we missed some, maybe we added some you don’t think apply.
If you’re interested in Food/Drink/Travel holidays, check out our list of those holidays for July at our other site: Grecobon.
Which celebrations will you be observing?
Monthly Celebrations
Independent Retailer Month
Independent Retailer Month encourages us to show some love to local small businesses. Want a custom gift that you know isn’t mass produced and made with care? Look to a small business. They’re the businesses supporting your little league teams and rooting for students to succeed because they have a vested interest in the community.
Anti-Boredom Month
If you ask me, there’s never a reason to be bored. There is always something we can do to combat boredom. Learn a new skill or language, start a new book, start a business, see what you can gather around your house to donate to those in need or sell to work towards your savings goals. What other ways can you combat boredom this July?
Cell Phone Courtesy Month

July observes Cell Phone Courtesy Month which encourages all of us to look at our cell phone use around others. Cell phones have become a part of most of us. Many cant go a few minutes without checking theirs let alone hours. But when is it considered rude to be using our phones? Are you carrying on a loud conversation in a public place, ignoring friends and loved ones to check your phone for alerts that really aren’t that important? Think of your cell phone usage and if you’re being considerate to those around you.
Weeklong Observations
There are none this month. But if we reevaluate or any new weeks become announced in the future, we’ll be sure to add them here.
Daylong Celebrations/Observations
July 1 – International Day of Cooperatives
Cooperatives purchase and market the products of its members. This day celebrates cooperatives. It also highlights the goals, objectives, and contributions of cooperatives worldwide. There are currently 3 million cooperatives around the world.
July 3 – International Plastic Bag Free Day
This day encourages us to cut down on plastic bag usage. Since most are only used once and then tossed, they sit for hundreds of years in a landfill. Around 100,000 marine animals are killed each year by plastic bags, either by ingesting or suffocating on (or being suffocated by) them. Around the world there are regulations (127 countries) and even some bands altogether on plastic bags.
July 5 – National Workaholics Day
National Workaholics Day encourages all workaholics to add more home/work life balance into their routine. Take your lunch, go home on time, resist the urge to come in on weekends, knowing no one else is.
We are guilty of this ourselves, Matt can’t let a project go unfinished at the end of the day or week, and doesn’t want to wait until the next day or week to resume. Lora, though it may not always look like it, is constantly thinking all things blogs and crafts. We both love to keep busy and feel best when we are working on something we feel makes us efficient or productive.
Time to put the work aside, it’ll still be there tomorrow. Enjoy today.
July 10 – Global Energy Independence Day
Global Energy Independence Day calls for awareness of alternative forms of energy. Take this day to learn about renewable energy like wind, solar, and geothermal. Fossil fuels are more popular still, but one day they’re going to run out. In addition to that they pollute the air, water, and land. Scientists have been working on finding more renewable forms of energy to keep up with the energy needs of society.

July 12 – Malala Day
This is the birthday of and the day to celebrate Malala Yousafzai. The Nobel Peace Prize recipient has spent her life fighting for the rights of women and children. Following the Taliban’s takeover of her town in 2007 and subsequent banning of girls from school, Malala and her father fought for the right for girls to attend school.
Gunmen from the Taliban shot Malala in the head in 2012. Her care was transferred to Birmingham, England; where she later began attending school. She was declared by TIME magazine as one of the world’s most influential people in 2013. In 2014 she was named a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Learn more about Malala, her work, and her foundation at her website.
July 12 – Paper Bag Day
In contrast to International Plastic Bag Free Day, July 12th celebrates Paper Bag Day. Not only are paper bags used for groceries and lunch bags, but are also helpful in case you hyperventilate, for gift bags, arts and crafts, and more!
Best yet, they’re recyclable!

July 15 – Toss Away the “Could Haves” and “Should Haves” Day
Toss Away the “Could Haves” and “Should Haves” Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in July. This day basically is a reminder to not go through life with regrets. Let go of the past and live for today. It is recommended to write down your “could haves” and “should haves” on a piece of paper, then throw away that list.
July 15 – Social Media Giving Day
Use today as a way to encourage charitable giving and kindness. Share fundraisers for your favorite non-profit!
Here’s two of our favorites:
Erin Regan Animal Sanctuary
Lake Elsinore Duck Pond
July 15 – World Youth Skills Day
This day encourages our youth to explore and acquire skills that help with future success and achievement. Vocational and technical training encourages higher chances of employment with higher earning levels. Finding a skill one can turn into a career is a source of increased job satisfaction and lifelong learning. A skill that someone excels in motivates them to further that skill and their career.
July 20 – Get to Know Your Customers Day
Happening the third Thursday of every quarter, this is a day to remind small businesses to find out more about their customers. Who are they as a person? What are their favorite products/services of yours? What do they want more or less of? With big stores reigning supreme and a less personal experience, small businesses can utilize this day quarterly to help plan their future as a business and cater to their customers needs/wants.
July 27 – National intern Day
Have you ever had an internship? Does your current job have interns? The last Thursday of July is National Intern Day. This day recognizes interns in every business and the hard work they do while trying to learn about the corporate world. Although less experienced, they provide a fresh perspective, having the latest techniques and technology fresh in their minds.
Appreciate interns, as they are the future of industry!
July 28 – World Conservation Day
Though we shouldn’t need reminding, today is a day to remind us how important it is to preserve our natural resources and protect our planet. Plant trees, recycle, carpool when you can, start a compost, volunteer to clean up your community, these are just some of the ways you can help our planet and its natural resources.
July 28 – National System Administrator Appreciation Day
Celebrated the last Friday in July, National System Administrator Appreciation Day recognizes the IT professionals who keep the world running. In a technology based society, system administrators are more important than ever. They fix issues, upgrade systems to keep up with demand, keep systems secure, and work to make sure things run smoothly.

July 30 – National Whistleblower Day
There are brave souls in this world who don’t overlook certain atrocities, who aren’t afraid to speak up and report cases of fraud, abuse of power or any sort of abuse, and waste of materials/time/resources. They’re referred to as whistleblowers. Legislation covers whistleblowers from retaliation from their employer, but other battles usually follow.
This day commemorates Lieutenant Richard Marven and midshipman Samuel Shaw and the events they set in motion back in 1777. They served in the US Continental army and reported abuse against British soldiers by Commodore Esek Hopkins. This resulted in the world’s first law protecting whistleblowers.
That’s it, that’s July.
For more celebrations in July you can check out one of our favorite sites – National Day Calendar.
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See all Monthly Observations: