November – 2023 Holidays and Observations
Hello November.
Below you’ll find some month, week, and daylong celebrations/observations (mostly US based). They are holidays/observations related to the content of this site that we’ve selected to highlight. Maybe we missed some, maybe we added some you don’t think apply.
If you’re interested in Food/Drink/Travel holidays, we have a list of those too over at Grecobon.
Which celebrations will you be making note of this month?
Monthly Celebrations
Career Development Month
Scholarship Month
Family Literacy Month
Weeklong Observations
Global Entrepreneurship Week – Week Before Thanksgiving
American Education Week – Week Before Thanksgiving
National Deal Week – Begins Wednesday Before Thankgsiving
Daylong Celebrations/Observations
November 1
- National Family Literacy Day
November 2
- National Cash Back Day
November 5
- Daylight Savings Time Ends (First Sunday in November)
November 6
- Job Action Day (First Monday in November)
November 8
- National S.T.E.M / S.T.E.A.M Day – S.T.E.M stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. S.T.E.A.M is the same with the addition of art. This day reminds us to encourage kids to pursue their interest in any of these areas. Most of the fastest growing occupations in the United States are S.T.E.M/S.T.E.A.M related. But that’s not enough, the US has fallen behind other countries in these areas and this day is helpful in encouraging kids to pursue these interests and hopefully their fields. Building interest in girls especially will help to close the gender gap in most of these areas.
November 24
- Buy Nothing Day
- Black Friday
November 25
- Small Business Saturday
- Shopping Reminder Day
November 26
- National Secondhand Sunday
November 27
- Cyber Monday
November 30
- Computer Security Day
There’s November for you.
For more celebrations in November you can check out one of our favorite sites – National Day Calendar.
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See all Monthly Observations: